Life Sciences
Unique connectivity and relevancy in community-based oncology
The practices who participate in Cornerstone’s thriving and growing network have the common goal of maintaining independence and continuously seeking ways to improve patient outcomes. Connecting life science companies to Cornerstone’s network provides value to community-based oncology healthcare professionals to help maximize the quality of patient care. Life science companies can participate in several programs.
Offering sponsorship opportunities to select Life Science companies enables sponsoring companies to connect with HCPs, gather insights into key market segments, and support a program that improves patient care.
Applications for Community Oncology – Data Reviews: As a service to its members, Cornerstone hosts virtual review symposia to highlight specific studies from major medical conferences and creates discussion forums on how new clinical practices can be practically implemented in the community-based setting. Moderated by Cornerstone, academic and community-based HCPs, discussions include how new data, clinical pathways, and general practice patterns affect treatment choices.
Cornerstone helps your brand coordinate in-practice programs (IPPs) as well as national, virtual speaker programs (National Cornerstone Corner).
Cornerstone Specialty Network is a full service market research agency with capabilities in Advisory Boards, Focus Groups, Market Surveys, and in-depth interviews with key network members.
Practice Patterns is a key program providing longitudinal, de-identified clinical data, along with ongoing qualitative feedback to obtain an in-depth understanding of all aspects of patient care in the community setting
Cornerstone works with a selective group of pharma partners with diverse oncolytic and hematologic therapies as well molecular testing companies. Purposeful diversity and selective content prevents competitive messaging across our partners and has led to historically high participation rates in pharma sponsored programs.
Cornerstone publishes robust summary reports of key clinical areas including specific tumor types and trends in community-based oncology.